10 Penemuan Spesies Baru

| Jumat, 25 Maret 2011
Ini dia 10 spesies paling top yang ditemukan tahun ini, termasuk di dalamnya seekor tikus raksasa, cacing tanpa paru-paru, dan laba-laba vegetarian! Langsung aja!

10. Ubur-ubur 'Pelangi'
Seorang ahli ubur-ubur bernama Lisa Gershwin menangkap spesies tidak dikenal pada awal bulan maret lalu ketika sedang berenang di laut dekat sebuah pulau Tasmania di Australia. Ubur-ubur ini tidak memancarkan cahaya sendiri, seperti ubur-ubur lain lakukan. Sebaliknya, ubur-ubur ini memantulkan cahaya yang masuk ke tubuhnya.

9. Kuda Laut Walea
Kuda laut ini adalah kebanggaan buat Indonesia, karena kuda laut ini ditemukan di laut pulau Walea, Sulawesi. Kuda laut ini ditemukan berkat ketajaman mata para penyelam yang mengambil gambarnya di laut pulau Walea, yang kemudian diberi nama kuda laut Walea. Kuda laut ini memiliki tinggi 2,5 centimeter dan merupakan hewan terkecil diantara hewan vertebrata (bertulang belakang).

8. Ikan 'Jelly'
Sebuah ikan aneh berkaki panjang (dua meter panjangnya!) ditemukan tewas mengambang di lepas pantai Bahia, Brazil pada September lalu. Setelah dilakukan penelitian, ternyata ikan itu adalah ikan jenis langka bloblike dari laut bagian dalam. Ikan ini kemudian diberi nama jellynose fish, karena bentuk tubuhnnya yang lembut, hidung yang pesek dan tubuhnya tidak memiliki cangkang serta langsing.

7. Sepasang Laba-laba 'Aneh'
Betina dari spesies laba-laba ini memiliki panjang kaki hingga 5 inchi (12 centimeter), sedangkan yang jantan hanya kira-kira satu inchi (2,5 centimeter). Laba-laba ini adalah hewan langka di dalam habitatnya di selatan afrika dan madagascar (meskipun mereka tidak masuk dalam film Madagaskar). Keunikan lain dari laba-laba ini adalah jaring yang dibuatnya berukuran raksasa dapat mencapai hingga tiga kaki (satu meter) lebarnya.

6. Tikus 'Raksasa'
Pertama kali ditemukan di kawah dari gunung berapi non aktif Bosavi di Papua New Guinea. Gunung berapi raksasa ini mempunyai kawah dengan lebar sekitar 2,5 mil dan dikelilingi oleh dinding setinggi hampir 1,5 mil. Tikus ini memiliki berat 3,5 pon, dan panjang sekitar 32 inchi dari hidung sampai ke ekor, memiliki bulu berwarna perak agak abu-abu, dengan bulu tipis seperti dari wol.

5. Laba-laba 'Vegetarian'
Hewan berkaki delapan yang diberi nama Bagheera Kiplingi itu, hidup di Amerika Tengah khususnya Meksiko dan Costa Rika. Laba-laba vegetarian yang besar tubuhnya hanya seukuran kuku orang dewasa itu memangsa ujung daun akasia. Dari pengamatan yang dilakukan menggunakan rekaman video dan analisis kimia menunjukkan laba-laba tersebut tetap mendapatkan sebagian besar makanan dari tumbuhan. Populasi di Meksiko memperoleh 90 persen makanan dari jaringan tumbuhan dan sisanya larva semut, nektar, dan lainnya.

4. Hiu 'Seksi'

Spesies baru ini diberi nama Hydrolagus Melanophasma atau nama lainnya adalah hiu hantu hitam. Hiu ini ditemukan di perairan California. Tidak seperti hiu pada umumnya, hiu jantan memiliki organ seksual pada dahinya berbentuk seperti tanduk.

3. Cacing 'Raksasa'

Sebuah spesies amfibi baru dapat bertahan hidup di atas tanah tanpa lubang hidung, paru-paru, atau kaki, makhluk ini kemudian diberi nama Caecilita iwokramae. Pertama kali ditemukan di Guyana, makhluk ini adalah bagian dari kelompok amfibi yang dikenal sebagai Caecilian. Hanya ada satu spesies Caecilian lain yang diketahui hidup tanpa paru-paru. Secara umum, kehadiran paru-paru adalah salah satu karakteristik kunci yang membuat amfibi berbeda dari ikan. Caecilita hidup di darat dan hanya 4,4 inci (11 cm), sementara panjangnya mencapai 27,5 inci (70 cm).

2. Ikan 'Drakula'
Ikan yang jantan memiliki taring seperti dracula sehingga ikan ini diberi nama Danionella Dracula. Ditemukan di London's Natural History Museum di dalam sebuah tangki dari akuarium ikan. Ikan ini sebenarnya ditangkap di Myanmar (Burma) dan dikirim ke museum di London. Pada kenyataannya taring yang dimiliki ikan ini tidaklah digunakan untuk memburu mangsanya akan tetapi untuk bertarung dengan sesamanya.

1. Burung yang sudah Punah
Spesies burung ini dulu hanya dapat kita lihat pada gambar-gambar di museum hewan karena burung ini dianggap telah punah dari dunia ini oleh para ahli, akan tetapi tahun ini ditemukan kembali di Filipina, hanya saja ketika ditemukan burung ini dalam perjalanannya menuju ke panci untuk dimasak! Burung ini ditemukan oleh seorang pemburu burung di pulau Luzon, Filipina.

Read More: unikaja.com

7 Places Where Dangerous Germs Can and Do Exist.

You probably grew up hearing your mother say things like, "Wash your hands after you touch something dirty." This is good advice when it comes to helping keep germs at bay. But, the problem is, just because you don't actually see dirt on something doesn't mean it's not germy. You know there are germs on surfaces like toilet seats and garbage pails, but once you find out the 7 places where dangerous germs exist, you'll have a whole new outlook on cleanliness:

1. Computer Keyboards
Most people, according to the experts, don't bother to clean their computer keyboards until their fingers stick to the keys. While this is an obvious exaggeration, it does bring to light one of the places you may not think of where germs live. According to a lab analysis, a computer keyboard that was tested had more germs and bacteria on it than a communal water fountain. The most-infested computer keyboards, of course, are the ones that are shared by two or more people.

2. "Clean" Laundry
In an effort to save energy costs, we're washing our laundry using cold water and shorter washing machine cycles. Cold water washes are also easier on our clothes which makes them last longer. The problem with these practices, when it comes to dangerous germs, is that water needs to be 140 degrees Fahrenheit in order to properly disinfect our laundry. That means that bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa can easily live through a wash cycle.

3. Toothbrushes
You remove your toothbrush from its holder on the bathroom sink, clean your teeth, then rinse it with water and return it to its holder for the next use. Now, your teeth and mouth are clean, right? Your teeth are clean since you've just brushed off the food particles. But, what about the dangerous germs? According to Dr. Michael P. Rethman, DDS, MS, and president of the American Academy of Periodontology, your toothbrush becomes germy after using it for a period of time. Bacteria from your mouth, saliva and blood contaminate it. If your toothbrush is stored within 6 feet of the toilet, then it can also be contaminated with germy water droplets that flushing a toilet creates.

4. Desktops
Studies have also determined that desktops are one of the places where dangerous germs exist. In fact, a desktop can have 400X the amount of bacteria on it than a toilet seat. Obviously, teachers' desks are exposed to a lot of bacteria and viruses. But tests show that bankers, accountants- and even doctors- generally have germy desktops.

5. Bathroom Doors
When you think of germs in a bathroom, you probably think of the toilet seat. However, under normal circumstances, the flush handle and the inside bathroom door knob are more contaminated with bacteria.

6. Hot Tubs
"Hot Tub Lung" is an infection that affects many users of these indoor/outdoor spas. The symptoms resemble Pneumonia in that the patients suffer from a congested cough, fever and fatigue. What's the cause of Hot Tub Lung? Dangerous bacteria in the steam. Even if the water in a hot tub is properly treated and changed often, germs thrive in warm, moist places.

7. Kitchen Sponge/Dish Rag
Amazingly, you probably use a sponge or a dish rag to clean your dishes, the countertops and stove and the table in the kitchen. The experts say that that same cleaning device is probably the most germ-ridden item in your home. A dishcloth that was used for one day and tested showed it had more than one billion dangerous germs on it.

In conclusion, some germs can cause common illnesses such as diarrhea and stomach aches. Approximately 40 million Americans get sick from germs annually. But, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, "infectious disease is the number three killer of Americans." 80,000 people also die from germs.


Fenomena Supermoon

| Jumat, 18 Maret 2011
12x Zoom


Originally Posted by Thread dari Kaskuser
Originally Posted by nevertalk View Post


Peristiwa alam yang langka pada malam 19 atau 20 Maret di Indonesia, akan membuat purnama tampak lebih besar. Saat itu, bulan akan terlihat 7 persen lebih gemuk dari biasanya.

Pakar astronomi dari Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional Thomas Djamaluddin mengatakan, pembesaran bulan itu akan tampak biasa saja jika dilihat dengan kasat mata. Tapi dengan teleskop, perbedaan ukuran bulan itu akan terlihat. "Sekitar 7 persen lebih besar dari purnama biasa," ujarnya, Rabu (16/3).

Fenomena itu akibat bulan yang tengah mencapai puncak purnama sedang dalam jarak terdekatnya dengan bumi. Dalam istilah astrologi, kejadian itu disebut super moon. Kejadian langka itu hanya berulang setiap 18 tahun sekali.

Berdasarkan data astronomi, pada Sabtu, 19 Maret pukul 19.10 GMT atau Ahad, 20 Maret pukul 02.10 WIB, jarak bulan dengan bumi sejauh 356.577 kilometer. Jarak terjauh bulan dengan bumi yang terjadi pada Desember mendatang terentang 364 ribu kilometer. Adapun puncak purnama akan terjadi satu jam sebelumnya, pada 19 Maret pukul 18.11 GMT atau 20 Maret pukul 01.11 WIB.

Selain terkesan seperti membesar, fenomena supermoon perlu diwaspadai karena efek pasang surut laut akan menguat. Nelayan dan warga pesisir diminta berhati-hati karena potensi banjir pasang (rob) diperkirakan bakal lebih besar dari biasanya. Djamaluddin meminta nelayan tidak melaut jika pasang tinggi yang disertai cuaca buruk.


Pohon Palsu Ini Bisa Hasilkan Oksigen


Pohon artifisial ini dapat mengonversi gas buang karbondioksida menjadi oksigen.

Pipiet Tri Noorastuti
Pohon pembersih udara

VIVAnews - Berteduh di bawah pohon rindang saat terik memang nikmat. Tak hanya sejuk, tubuh juga terasa lebih segar oleh paparan oksigen yang dihasilkan pepohonan di siang hari. Hanya, mencari pepohonan rindang seringkali menjadi hal sulit bagi warga di kota-kota besar.

Melihat banyaknya ruang terbuka hijau yang berubah menjadi hutan beton di kota-kota besar, sejumlah ilmuwan Universitas Columbia, New York, merancang sebuah pepohonan artifisial yang dapat mengonversi gas buang karbondioksida menjadi oksigen.

Bekerja sama dengan Influx Studio, Paris, para ilmuwan mengkreasikan pepohonan dengan ranting-ranting menjulang menyerupai jamur. Di ujung-ujung ranting, mereka menempatkan panel surya sebagai energi untuk mengolah karbondioksida menjadi oksigen.

Kreasi ini menjadi pusat perhatian di 'Boston treepods 2011', sebuah ajang yang melombakan pepohonan artifisial kaum urban. Meski mampu melakukan fotosintesa layaknya pohon alami, pohon-pohon buatan ini tak membutuhkan tanah dan air atau media tanam lainnya untuk tumbuh.

Demi memaksimalkan kemunculannya sebagai produk ramah lingkungan, kerangka dan ornamen pohon buatan ini memanfaatkan botol plastik daur ulang. Lewat kemampuannya mengikat karbondioksida, produk ini diharapkan akan membantu meningkatkan kualitas udara. (pet)

• VIVAnews

Different Types of Computer Viruses


There are Different Types of Computer Viruses could be classified in (origin, techniques, types of files they infect, where they hide, the kind of damage they cause, the type of operating system or platform they attack) etc. Let us have a look at them…

Computer Viruses Find practical business information on computer viruses. www.allbusiness.com

Natural Worm Cleanse Safely remove candida & worms. Rid your body of harmful parasites. ParasiteCleanse.com

Convert Computer Tapes Convert files from your old floppy disks and tapes to modern Windows www.computer-convert.com
Computer Virus is a kind of malicious software written intentionally to enter a computer without the user’s permission or knowledge, with an ability to replicate itself, thus continuing to spread. Some viruses do little but replicate others can cause severe harm or adversely effect program and performance of the system. A virus should never be assumed harmless and left on a system. Most common types of viruses are mentioned below:

Resident Viruses
This type of virus is a permanent which dwells in the RAM memory. From there it can overcome and interrupt all of the operations executed by the system: corrupting files and programs that are opened, closed, copied, renamed etc.

Examples include: Randex, CMJ, Meve, and MrKlunky.

Direct Action Viruses
The main purpose of this virus is to replicate and take action when it is executed. When a specific condition is met, the virus will go into action and infect files in the directory or folder that it is in and in directories that are specified in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file PATH. This batch file is always located in the root directory of the hard disk and carries out certain operations when the computer is booted.

Overwrite Viruses
Virus of this kind is characterized by the fact that it deletes the information contained in the files that it infects, rendering them partially or totally useless once they have been infected.

The only way to clean a file infected by an overwrite virus is to delete the file completely, thus losing the original content.

Examples of this virus include: Way, Trj.Reboot, Trivial.88.D.

Boot Virus
This type of virus affects the boot sector of a floppy or hard disk. This is a crucial part of a disk, in which information on the disk itself is stored together with a program that makes it possible to boot (start) the computer from the disk.

The best way of avoiding boot viruses is to ensure that floppy disks are write-protected and never start your computer with an unknown floppy disk in the disk drive.

Examples of boot viruses include: Polyboot.B, AntiEXE.

Macro Virus
Macro viruses infect files that are created using certain applications or programs that contain macros. These mini-programs make it possible to automate series of operations so that they are performed as a single action, thereby saving the user from having to carry them out one by one.

Examples of macro viruses: Relax, Melissa.A, Bablas, O97M/Y2K.

Directory Virus
Directory viruses change the paths that indicate the location of a file. By executing a program (file with the extension .EXE or .COM) which has been infected by a virus, you are unknowingly running the virus program, while the original file and program have been previously moved by the virus.

Once infected it becomes impossible to locate the original files.

Polymorphic Virus
Polymorphic viruses encrypt or encode themselves in a different way (using different algorithms and encryption keys) every time they infect a system.

This makes it impossible for anti-viruses to find them using string or signature searches (because they are different in each encryption) and also enables them to create a large number of copies of themselves.

Examples include: Elkern, Marburg, Satan Bug, and Tuareg.

File Infectors
This type of virus infects programs or executable files (files with an .EXE or .COM extension). When one of these programs is run, directly or indirectly, the virus is activated, producing the damaging effects it is programmed to carry out. The majority of existing viruses belong to this category, and can be classified depending on the actions that they carry out.

Companion Viruses
Companion viruses can be considered file infector viruses like resident or direct action types. They are known as companion viruses because once they get into the system they "accompany" the other files that already exist. In other words, in order to carry out their infection routines, companion viruses can wait in memory until a program is run (resident viruses) or act immediately by making copies of themselves (direct action viruses).

Some examples include: Stator, Asimov.1539, and Terrax.1069

FAT Virus
The file allocation table or FAT is the part of a disk used to connect information and is a vital part of the normal functioning of the computer.
This type of virus attack can be especially dangerous, by preventing access to certain sections of the disk where important files are stored. Damage caused can result in information losses from individual files or even entire directories.

A worm is a program very similar to a virus; it has the ability to self-replicate, and can lead to negative effects on your system and most importantly they are detected and eliminated by antiviruses.

Examples of worms include: PSWBugbear.B, Lovgate.F, Trile.C, Sobig.D, Mapson.

Trojans or Trojan Horses
Another unsavory breed of malicious code are Trojans or Trojan horses, which unlike viruses do not reproduce by infecting other files, nor do they self-replicate like worms.

Logic Bombs
They are not considered viruses because they do not replicate. They are not even programs in their own right but rather camouflaged segments of other programs.

Their objective is to destroy data on the computer once certain conditions have been met. Logic bombs go undetected until launched, and the results can be destructive.

By Jayashree Pakhare


10 Penemuan Spesies Baru

Diposting oleh Dhadzhane's Here

Ini dia 10 spesies paling top yang ditemukan tahun ini, termasuk di dalamnya seekor tikus raksasa, cacing tanpa paru-paru, dan laba-laba vegetarian! Langsung aja!

10. Ubur-ubur 'Pelangi'
Seorang ahli ubur-ubur bernama Lisa Gershwin menangkap spesies tidak dikenal pada awal bulan maret lalu ketika sedang berenang di laut dekat sebuah pulau Tasmania di Australia. Ubur-ubur ini tidak memancarkan cahaya sendiri, seperti ubur-ubur lain lakukan. Sebaliknya, ubur-ubur ini memantulkan cahaya yang masuk ke tubuhnya.

9. Kuda Laut Walea
Kuda laut ini adalah kebanggaan buat Indonesia, karena kuda laut ini ditemukan di laut pulau Walea, Sulawesi. Kuda laut ini ditemukan berkat ketajaman mata para penyelam yang mengambil gambarnya di laut pulau Walea, yang kemudian diberi nama kuda laut Walea. Kuda laut ini memiliki tinggi 2,5 centimeter dan merupakan hewan terkecil diantara hewan vertebrata (bertulang belakang).

8. Ikan 'Jelly'
Sebuah ikan aneh berkaki panjang (dua meter panjangnya!) ditemukan tewas mengambang di lepas pantai Bahia, Brazil pada September lalu. Setelah dilakukan penelitian, ternyata ikan itu adalah ikan jenis langka bloblike dari laut bagian dalam. Ikan ini kemudian diberi nama jellynose fish, karena bentuk tubuhnnya yang lembut, hidung yang pesek dan tubuhnya tidak memiliki cangkang serta langsing.

7. Sepasang Laba-laba 'Aneh'
Betina dari spesies laba-laba ini memiliki panjang kaki hingga 5 inchi (12 centimeter), sedangkan yang jantan hanya kira-kira satu inchi (2,5 centimeter). Laba-laba ini adalah hewan langka di dalam habitatnya di selatan afrika dan madagascar (meskipun mereka tidak masuk dalam film Madagaskar). Keunikan lain dari laba-laba ini adalah jaring yang dibuatnya berukuran raksasa dapat mencapai hingga tiga kaki (satu meter) lebarnya.

6. Tikus 'Raksasa'
Pertama kali ditemukan di kawah dari gunung berapi non aktif Bosavi di Papua New Guinea. Gunung berapi raksasa ini mempunyai kawah dengan lebar sekitar 2,5 mil dan dikelilingi oleh dinding setinggi hampir 1,5 mil. Tikus ini memiliki berat 3,5 pon, dan panjang sekitar 32 inchi dari hidung sampai ke ekor, memiliki bulu berwarna perak agak abu-abu, dengan bulu tipis seperti dari wol.

5. Laba-laba 'Vegetarian'
Hewan berkaki delapan yang diberi nama Bagheera Kiplingi itu, hidup di Amerika Tengah khususnya Meksiko dan Costa Rika. Laba-laba vegetarian yang besar tubuhnya hanya seukuran kuku orang dewasa itu memangsa ujung daun akasia. Dari pengamatan yang dilakukan menggunakan rekaman video dan analisis kimia menunjukkan laba-laba tersebut tetap mendapatkan sebagian besar makanan dari tumbuhan. Populasi di Meksiko memperoleh 90 persen makanan dari jaringan tumbuhan dan sisanya larva semut, nektar, dan lainnya.

4. Hiu 'Seksi'

Spesies baru ini diberi nama Hydrolagus Melanophasma atau nama lainnya adalah hiu hantu hitam. Hiu ini ditemukan di perairan California. Tidak seperti hiu pada umumnya, hiu jantan memiliki organ seksual pada dahinya berbentuk seperti tanduk.

3. Cacing 'Raksasa'

Sebuah spesies amfibi baru dapat bertahan hidup di atas tanah tanpa lubang hidung, paru-paru, atau kaki, makhluk ini kemudian diberi nama Caecilita iwokramae. Pertama kali ditemukan di Guyana, makhluk ini adalah bagian dari kelompok amfibi yang dikenal sebagai Caecilian. Hanya ada satu spesies Caecilian lain yang diketahui hidup tanpa paru-paru. Secara umum, kehadiran paru-paru adalah salah satu karakteristik kunci yang membuat amfibi berbeda dari ikan. Caecilita hidup di darat dan hanya 4,4 inci (11 cm), sementara panjangnya mencapai 27,5 inci (70 cm).

2. Ikan 'Drakula'
Ikan yang jantan memiliki taring seperti dracula sehingga ikan ini diberi nama Danionella Dracula. Ditemukan di London's Natural History Museum di dalam sebuah tangki dari akuarium ikan. Ikan ini sebenarnya ditangkap di Myanmar (Burma) dan dikirim ke museum di London. Pada kenyataannya taring yang dimiliki ikan ini tidaklah digunakan untuk memburu mangsanya akan tetapi untuk bertarung dengan sesamanya.

1. Burung yang sudah Punah
Spesies burung ini dulu hanya dapat kita lihat pada gambar-gambar di museum hewan karena burung ini dianggap telah punah dari dunia ini oleh para ahli, akan tetapi tahun ini ditemukan kembali di Filipina, hanya saja ketika ditemukan burung ini dalam perjalanannya menuju ke panci untuk dimasak! Burung ini ditemukan oleh seorang pemburu burung di pulau Luzon, Filipina.

Read More: unikaja.com

7 Places Where Dangerous Germs Can and Do Exist.

Diposting oleh Dhadzhane's Here

You probably grew up hearing your mother say things like, "Wash your hands after you touch something dirty." This is good advice when it comes to helping keep germs at bay. But, the problem is, just because you don't actually see dirt on something doesn't mean it's not germy. You know there are germs on surfaces like toilet seats and garbage pails, but once you find out the 7 places where dangerous germs exist, you'll have a whole new outlook on cleanliness:

1. Computer Keyboards
Most people, according to the experts, don't bother to clean their computer keyboards until their fingers stick to the keys. While this is an obvious exaggeration, it does bring to light one of the places you may not think of where germs live. According to a lab analysis, a computer keyboard that was tested had more germs and bacteria on it than a communal water fountain. The most-infested computer keyboards, of course, are the ones that are shared by two or more people.

2. "Clean" Laundry
In an effort to save energy costs, we're washing our laundry using cold water and shorter washing machine cycles. Cold water washes are also easier on our clothes which makes them last longer. The problem with these practices, when it comes to dangerous germs, is that water needs to be 140 degrees Fahrenheit in order to properly disinfect our laundry. That means that bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa can easily live through a wash cycle.

3. Toothbrushes
You remove your toothbrush from its holder on the bathroom sink, clean your teeth, then rinse it with water and return it to its holder for the next use. Now, your teeth and mouth are clean, right? Your teeth are clean since you've just brushed off the food particles. But, what about the dangerous germs? According to Dr. Michael P. Rethman, DDS, MS, and president of the American Academy of Periodontology, your toothbrush becomes germy after using it for a period of time. Bacteria from your mouth, saliva and blood contaminate it. If your toothbrush is stored within 6 feet of the toilet, then it can also be contaminated with germy water droplets that flushing a toilet creates.

4. Desktops
Studies have also determined that desktops are one of the places where dangerous germs exist. In fact, a desktop can have 400X the amount of bacteria on it than a toilet seat. Obviously, teachers' desks are exposed to a lot of bacteria and viruses. But tests show that bankers, accountants- and even doctors- generally have germy desktops.

5. Bathroom Doors
When you think of germs in a bathroom, you probably think of the toilet seat. However, under normal circumstances, the flush handle and the inside bathroom door knob are more contaminated with bacteria.

6. Hot Tubs
"Hot Tub Lung" is an infection that affects many users of these indoor/outdoor spas. The symptoms resemble Pneumonia in that the patients suffer from a congested cough, fever and fatigue. What's the cause of Hot Tub Lung? Dangerous bacteria in the steam. Even if the water in a hot tub is properly treated and changed often, germs thrive in warm, moist places.

7. Kitchen Sponge/Dish Rag
Amazingly, you probably use a sponge or a dish rag to clean your dishes, the countertops and stove and the table in the kitchen. The experts say that that same cleaning device is probably the most germ-ridden item in your home. A dishcloth that was used for one day and tested showed it had more than one billion dangerous germs on it.

In conclusion, some germs can cause common illnesses such as diarrhea and stomach aches. Approximately 40 million Americans get sick from germs annually. But, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, "infectious disease is the number three killer of Americans." 80,000 people also die from germs.


Fenomena Supermoon

Diposting oleh Dhadzhane's Here

12x Zoom


Originally Posted by Thread dari Kaskuser
Originally Posted by nevertalk View Post


Peristiwa alam yang langka pada malam 19 atau 20 Maret di Indonesia, akan membuat purnama tampak lebih besar. Saat itu, bulan akan terlihat 7 persen lebih gemuk dari biasanya.

Pakar astronomi dari Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional Thomas Djamaluddin mengatakan, pembesaran bulan itu akan tampak biasa saja jika dilihat dengan kasat mata. Tapi dengan teleskop, perbedaan ukuran bulan itu akan terlihat. "Sekitar 7 persen lebih besar dari purnama biasa," ujarnya, Rabu (16/3).

Fenomena itu akibat bulan yang tengah mencapai puncak purnama sedang dalam jarak terdekatnya dengan bumi. Dalam istilah astrologi, kejadian itu disebut super moon. Kejadian langka itu hanya berulang setiap 18 tahun sekali.

Berdasarkan data astronomi, pada Sabtu, 19 Maret pukul 19.10 GMT atau Ahad, 20 Maret pukul 02.10 WIB, jarak bulan dengan bumi sejauh 356.577 kilometer. Jarak terjauh bulan dengan bumi yang terjadi pada Desember mendatang terentang 364 ribu kilometer. Adapun puncak purnama akan terjadi satu jam sebelumnya, pada 19 Maret pukul 18.11 GMT atau 20 Maret pukul 01.11 WIB.

Selain terkesan seperti membesar, fenomena supermoon perlu diwaspadai karena efek pasang surut laut akan menguat. Nelayan dan warga pesisir diminta berhati-hati karena potensi banjir pasang (rob) diperkirakan bakal lebih besar dari biasanya. Djamaluddin meminta nelayan tidak melaut jika pasang tinggi yang disertai cuaca buruk.


Pohon Palsu Ini Bisa Hasilkan Oksigen

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Pohon artifisial ini dapat mengonversi gas buang karbondioksida menjadi oksigen.

Pipiet Tri Noorastuti
Pohon pembersih udara

VIVAnews - Berteduh di bawah pohon rindang saat terik memang nikmat. Tak hanya sejuk, tubuh juga terasa lebih segar oleh paparan oksigen yang dihasilkan pepohonan di siang hari. Hanya, mencari pepohonan rindang seringkali menjadi hal sulit bagi warga di kota-kota besar.

Melihat banyaknya ruang terbuka hijau yang berubah menjadi hutan beton di kota-kota besar, sejumlah ilmuwan Universitas Columbia, New York, merancang sebuah pepohonan artifisial yang dapat mengonversi gas buang karbondioksida menjadi oksigen.

Bekerja sama dengan Influx Studio, Paris, para ilmuwan mengkreasikan pepohonan dengan ranting-ranting menjulang menyerupai jamur. Di ujung-ujung ranting, mereka menempatkan panel surya sebagai energi untuk mengolah karbondioksida menjadi oksigen.

Kreasi ini menjadi pusat perhatian di 'Boston treepods 2011', sebuah ajang yang melombakan pepohonan artifisial kaum urban. Meski mampu melakukan fotosintesa layaknya pohon alami, pohon-pohon buatan ini tak membutuhkan tanah dan air atau media tanam lainnya untuk tumbuh.

Demi memaksimalkan kemunculannya sebagai produk ramah lingkungan, kerangka dan ornamen pohon buatan ini memanfaatkan botol plastik daur ulang. Lewat kemampuannya mengikat karbondioksida, produk ini diharapkan akan membantu meningkatkan kualitas udara. (pet)

• VIVAnews

Different Types of Computer Viruses

Diposting oleh Dhadzhane's Here

There are Different Types of Computer Viruses could be classified in (origin, techniques, types of files they infect, where they hide, the kind of damage they cause, the type of operating system or platform they attack) etc. Let us have a look at them…

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Computer Virus is a kind of malicious software written intentionally to enter a computer without the user’s permission or knowledge, with an ability to replicate itself, thus continuing to spread. Some viruses do little but replicate others can cause severe harm or adversely effect program and performance of the system. A virus should never be assumed harmless and left on a system. Most common types of viruses are mentioned below:

Resident Viruses
This type of virus is a permanent which dwells in the RAM memory. From there it can overcome and interrupt all of the operations executed by the system: corrupting files and programs that are opened, closed, copied, renamed etc.

Examples include: Randex, CMJ, Meve, and MrKlunky.

Direct Action Viruses
The main purpose of this virus is to replicate and take action when it is executed. When a specific condition is met, the virus will go into action and infect files in the directory or folder that it is in and in directories that are specified in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file PATH. This batch file is always located in the root directory of the hard disk and carries out certain operations when the computer is booted.

Overwrite Viruses
Virus of this kind is characterized by the fact that it deletes the information contained in the files that it infects, rendering them partially or totally useless once they have been infected.

The only way to clean a file infected by an overwrite virus is to delete the file completely, thus losing the original content.

Examples of this virus include: Way, Trj.Reboot, Trivial.88.D.

Boot Virus
This type of virus affects the boot sector of a floppy or hard disk. This is a crucial part of a disk, in which information on the disk itself is stored together with a program that makes it possible to boot (start) the computer from the disk.

The best way of avoiding boot viruses is to ensure that floppy disks are write-protected and never start your computer with an unknown floppy disk in the disk drive.

Examples of boot viruses include: Polyboot.B, AntiEXE.

Macro Virus
Macro viruses infect files that are created using certain applications or programs that contain macros. These mini-programs make it possible to automate series of operations so that they are performed as a single action, thereby saving the user from having to carry them out one by one.

Examples of macro viruses: Relax, Melissa.A, Bablas, O97M/Y2K.

Directory Virus
Directory viruses change the paths that indicate the location of a file. By executing a program (file with the extension .EXE or .COM) which has been infected by a virus, you are unknowingly running the virus program, while the original file and program have been previously moved by the virus.

Once infected it becomes impossible to locate the original files.

Polymorphic Virus
Polymorphic viruses encrypt or encode themselves in a different way (using different algorithms and encryption keys) every time they infect a system.

This makes it impossible for anti-viruses to find them using string or signature searches (because they are different in each encryption) and also enables them to create a large number of copies of themselves.

Examples include: Elkern, Marburg, Satan Bug, and Tuareg.

File Infectors
This type of virus infects programs or executable files (files with an .EXE or .COM extension). When one of these programs is run, directly or indirectly, the virus is activated, producing the damaging effects it is programmed to carry out. The majority of existing viruses belong to this category, and can be classified depending on the actions that they carry out.

Companion Viruses
Companion viruses can be considered file infector viruses like resident or direct action types. They are known as companion viruses because once they get into the system they "accompany" the other files that already exist. In other words, in order to carry out their infection routines, companion viruses can wait in memory until a program is run (resident viruses) or act immediately by making copies of themselves (direct action viruses).

Some examples include: Stator, Asimov.1539, and Terrax.1069

FAT Virus
The file allocation table or FAT is the part of a disk used to connect information and is a vital part of the normal functioning of the computer.
This type of virus attack can be especially dangerous, by preventing access to certain sections of the disk where important files are stored. Damage caused can result in information losses from individual files or even entire directories.

A worm is a program very similar to a virus; it has the ability to self-replicate, and can lead to negative effects on your system and most importantly they are detected and eliminated by antiviruses.

Examples of worms include: PSWBugbear.B, Lovgate.F, Trile.C, Sobig.D, Mapson.

Trojans or Trojan Horses
Another unsavory breed of malicious code are Trojans or Trojan horses, which unlike viruses do not reproduce by infecting other files, nor do they self-replicate like worms.

Logic Bombs
They are not considered viruses because they do not replicate. They are not even programs in their own right but rather camouflaged segments of other programs.

Their objective is to destroy data on the computer once certain conditions have been met. Logic bombs go undetected until launched, and the results can be destructive.

By Jayashree Pakhare


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